
AltRefNoCON 3/1/7/3
TitleCovenant; (Modus for tithes)
Description1. George Watts, B.D. and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Thomas Watts, of Rearsby, Leics., yeoman. 2. Thomas Cotton, s and h. app of Sir Robt. Cotton, Conington, Kt. and Bart. 1. and 2. agree: That John Watts, parson of Conington, clerke, bro. of 1. shall at any time, at request of 2. resign said benefice and Rectory of Conington; the house of Henry Williamson late parson of C. and 33as. of land on its north have been time out of mind the parsonage house and glebe land of Conington, and 17as. has been added on the north, making the whole of the yearly value of £40. And the parson of C. has had for time immemorial £40 p.a. as a Modus Decimandi. 1. agree with 2. That the said John Watts and his farmers and tenants of the said Rectory shall hold themselves satisfied of all tithes by the said messuage, glebe land and £40 p.a., while he is parson.
Date4 Aug. 1614
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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