
AltRefNoCON 3/11/1
TitleDeed to Lead Uses of Common Recovery (Lease and Release) (copy)
Description(1) John Hart Cotton, St. James, Westminster, Esq., son and heir of Thomas Hart, late of Warfield, Berks, Esq., decd, by Jane, his wife, and also a devisee named in the will of Robert Pulleyn, late of St. Neots, Esq., also decd. (2) Samuel Harris, Castle Yard, London, gent. (3) Thomas Holled, Lutterworth, Leics, gent. To bar entails and settle the inheritance in (1) and heirs. For 10/- from (2) to (1). (1) to (2). Manor of Hartford, Hunts, with all apps. Messuage in Hartford. Several pieces of arable land and ley ground there. (360a.), 28a. meadow in the Church Meadow and the East Meadow in the common fields of Hartford. 4 Closes of pasture called The Home Close (14a.), all in occupation of Leonard Waller. An orchard in Hartford now in occupation of Mr. Maning. Messuage in Hartford with liberty to fish in the River Ouse and now or late in occupation of John Bird and William Merry or one of them. Messuage with the Homestall or Home Close (1½a) and all outbuildings etc. Other pieces of arable and ley (180a). Several pieces of meadow ground (14a.) in the Church Meadow and the East Meadow. Piece of land (½a.), Sapley Close adjoining Hartford Heath. All in Hartford. Piece of ground now an orchard late in occupation of said Mr. Maning. All other messuages and lands of (1) in Hartford given to him by last will of Robert Pulleyn. Capital messuage with gardens etc. in St. Neots late in occupation of James Forster, Esq. serjeant-at-law. Close adjoining. Messuage adjoining late in occupation of Wm. Kitchen. The Poorhouse in St. Neots now in possession of William Richard. 6 messuages in Cambridge St., St. Neots. Osier bed in St. Neots, Trap Close (4a.), Farm Close (2a), piece of ground (3r.), 2a. of arable, one in Shortsands and one in Whinnalls. All in St. Neots, 3r. in St. Neots meadow. All other property of (1) in St. Neots given him by the will of Robt. Pulleyn. 2 messuages in Little Paxton. The Wood Closes there (7½a). Several parcels of arable and meadow in the Common fields of Little Paxton (20a.) in occupation of William Pamplin. All other messuages and lands of (1) in Little Paxton, left him by Robt. Pulleyn's will, 2 messuages in Upton late in tenures of Robt. Yearnes and John Buck or one of them. Pearson's Piece (10a.) in Weston field, Upton, Pieces of arable and pasture (35a.) in the common fields of Upton late in occupation of John Freeman. All the other property of (1) in Upton, given him by the will of Robt. Pulleyn. 4 closes called Pulleyn's Pastures (40a.) in Cran als. Crandon or elsewhere in Hunts. in occupation of John Brown. All other lands of (1) in Cran or Crandom given to (1) by will of Robt. Pulleyn. To use of (2) and heirs for (2) to suffer a Common Recovery before the end of Hillary Term next with (3) as demandant and (2) as tenant, (2) vouching to warranty (1), and (1) the common vouchee, (3) to be seised of the property to use of (1) and heirs for ever. Witnessed as being true copies of the original deeds. 26th May, 1768.
Date13-14 December 1763
26 May 1768
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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