
AltRefNoCON 3/15/6
TitleFinal Concord (copy)
Description(1) Thomas Barsham, Esq., plaintiff. (2) Frances Cotton, widow. Jane Cotton, widow. Thomas Hart, Esq., and Jane his wife. Thomas Bowdler, Esq. and Elizabeth Stuart, his wife. Frances Cotton, spinster. Mary Cotton, spinster. - deforcs. Manors of Gidding Abbotts/Steeple Gidding, Sawtrey/Sawtrey Beames/Sawtrey Beacomes/Sawtrey St. Andrews, Hemington/Hemington in Stilton and Denton with apps. And of 34 messuages, 44 cottages, 16 tofts, 1 windmill, 2 dovehouses, 1,500a. land, 400a. meadow, 1,200a. pasture, 200a. wood, 200a. furze and heath, 400a. fresh marsh, 400a. moor, 200a. land covered with water, £10 rent. All property with apps. in Gidding A botts, Hamerton, Sawtrey St. Andrews, Sawtrey Jewitts, Sawtrey All Saints, Sawtrey Moines, Stilton, Hemington, Denton, Folkesworth, Caldecott, Goodmanchester, Huntingdon and Yaxley. Advowson of Churches of Gidding Abbots, Sawtrey St. Andrews and Denton. Mich. 1753 Examined at the King's Silver Office 17 June, 1771.
Date1753, 17 June 1771
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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