
AltRefNoCON 3/15/7
TitleDeed to Declare Uses of Fine
Description(1) Thomas Bowdler, Ashley, Wilts, Esq. and Elizabeth Stuart Bowdler, his wife. (2) Arthur Annesley, Inner Temple, London, Esq. Recites: (i) Deed to Lead Uses of Fine of 1 Aug. 1753 by which Manor of Steeple Gidding with apps and advowson of Church there, and Manor house, site of Manor, Mitchells Close (44a.& 16a.), 6 messuages and 20a. pasture in several small closes and 482a. land in the fields of Gidding and 6 cottages, 4 closes called Hanghill, Hanghill Meadow, Brooke Close, and Totnall Close (73a.) Church Close& Round Meadow (14½a.), Ley alias Lea (16a.), 1 messuage and 5 closes - Cow Closes, Little Hill Close, Dovecoate Close, Towne End Close and Parsonage Close (36a.). The Highhouse Close (8a.). Messuage called The Highhouse and 40a. land adjoining. messuage with 12a. Close called the Great Walke (103a.) 2 closes called Stampall Meadows (34a.), Thurloe alias Throwloe (63a.), Alpitts/Alpitt Walke (86a.), 2 meadows of 35a. All in Steeple Gidding and Hamerton; Manor of Hemington/Hemington in Stilton with apps. Manor of Denton with apps. Advowson of Denton parish church. Manor of Sawtrey/Sawtrey Beames/Beawmes/Sawtrey St. Andrews with apps and Advowson of the Church of St. Andrew. Messuages, cottages and lands in Sawtry. Messuages and lands in Denton, Averly Park/Aversley Wood in Sawtry, part of the Manor of Sawtry Beames (100a.), Walnut Tree Close, Sawtry (16a.). Messuage and lands in occupation of Edward Sanderson in Folkesworth. Messuage and lands in Caldecott, late in occupation of John Collis. Messuage and lands in Stilton. Ditto in the town of Huntingdon. Messuage and lands in Goodmanchester late in occupation of Ruben Mayhew. Rents of £10 per annum out of the Manor of Hemington with all apps. All the lands in named places and Yaxley in which Sir John Cotton had any estate (except 1 messuage cottage and 120a. land) purchased by Sir Thomas Cotton of John Bevill, gent and being in Sawtrey Beames and Moines) And yearly rent of 10/- payable out of part of the premises in the Sawtreys. To the following uses: Manor of Sawtrey Beames with apps. and Advowson of Sawtry St. Andrew and Aversley Wood& lands in Sawtrey and yearly rent of 10/- to use of Frances Cotton, widow and heirs for ever. Lands in Gidding to Dame Jane Cotton for life. Manor of Gidding, Hemington and Denton with apps. Advowson of Steeple Gidding and Denton with all apps. Manor House and lands after death of Dame Jane Cotton and in equal parts to 4 Cotton heiresses or to whoever they appoint. (ii) Pursuant to agreement in said Fine of said premises which was in Mich. Term after the date thereof. Now (1) by this deed duly executed have appointed that their ¼ share in the said Fine (except Manor of Sawtrey Moynes with apps. limited to use of Frances Cotton, widow, and her heirs) shall be to use of Thomas Bowdler and Arthur Annesley and the heirs of Thos. Bowdler for ever. And as to the estate of Arthur Annesley in trust for the said Thomas Bowdler and heirs by subject to so much of the premises as is herebefore mentioned to be limited to the said Dame Jane Cotton for life and to the estate for life of the said Dame Jane Cotton.
Date19 March, 1756
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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