
AltRefNoCON 3/2/2/12
TitleAdmission; Manor of Gyddyng Abbas. (Copy Court Roll)
DescriptionAnd in the 29th year of Lord John, of Warbois, Abbot. Richard Boton was admitted by the said Lord Abbot of the Monastery of Ramsey through bro. Robert Houghton, treasurer of the Monastery. Five foundations or vacant places lying or situated between a lane called Churche Lane and the lands and tenements of the aforesaid Richard, called the Burned yards, and also a vacant place near the Horseward formerly in the tenure of John Extisley and afterwards of Henrihet Perrion. Two other tenements with a cottage of which 1 tenement lies between the rectory and a tenement in the gift of the lord lately in the tenure of John Harvey and another tenement with a cottage lying or situated opposite a Close called Stevecleys Close between the aforesaid tenement of the Lord Abbot on the near part and all lands, closes etc. with all other apps. belonging to those tenements with vacant places lying in Gidding aforesaid. Annual rent to be paid to the Abbot through the current treasurer at Michaelmas. 108/-. Boton to do repairs. Power of distraint to monastery. Admission fee 18/4d. Amercement 26/8d.
Date19 Oct. 1535
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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