
AltRefNoCON 3/2/2/13
Description1. John Garnett, s. and h. of Matthew Garnet, late of Wynwyk, and Richard Boton, s. and h. of Robt. Boton late of Stepul Gidding. 2. Lionel Kynge s. and h. of Alice Kynge, late wife of Thomas Kynge. 1 messuage in Stepul Gidding with 15as. of arable land with apps in Gidding, which the fathers of 1. with Alice Kynge had of the gift of the aforesaid Thomas Kynge, father of 2. In which 2. is in full and peaceful possession. Which messuage lies between a messuage of the Abbot of Ramsey on the south and a tenement late of Robert Boton formerly Stenecley on the north and of which an end abuts against a churchyard towards the west and another abuts against ----- the east.
Date31 May, 1539
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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