
AltRefNoCON 3/2/3/5
TitleBargain and Sale
Description1. William Mulsho, Withemale, Orlingburie, Northants., gent, and Anne, his wife, one of the daus. and co-heirs of Richard Button, late of S. Giddinge, gent, decd. 2. John Bedell, Hamerton, gent. 1. to 2. for £80. All messuages and lands in S. Giddinge and Hamerton in which 1. have any possession or inheritance. 1. agrees with 2. to execute any necessary acts for the better conveyance of the said premises to 2., within 2 years of this date.
Date7 Mar. 1582
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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