
AltRefNoCON 3/2/3/11
TitleAward (Rights of Common)
DescriptionRecites controversies between 1. Humfry Drewell the younger, Lytel Giddinge. 2. John Dixon, Gyddinge Abbot, yeoman. Concerning a right of common for sheep claimed by 1. in the sheep walke of 2. belonging to the Queen's farm in Giddinge Abbot called Beriested. Also for right of common of 1. for all manner of cattle in a parcel of ground in Gyddinge Abbott called Beriegrounde or Buriemeade (15 or 16 acres). And for right of common for the cattle of 1. in The Lea Close in Gyddinge A. now in occupation of 2. And for 1's right in the pasture and common fields of Gyddinge A. for 24 milche beasts and a bull throughout the year and for 200 great-tailed sheep. And for right of common of all manner of cattle of 2. in 1's close in Gyddinge A. called the Newe Close. For the ending of which 1 and 2. have submitted themselves to he judgement of Robert Bevill and Thomas Lovell, Esqs., arbitrators chosen by 1. and 2., who award as follows: 2. to hold the sheepe walke belonging to the Queen's farm of Beriested, now in the occupation of 2. 2. to have no common for his sheep kept in the said farm at Beriested in any other part of the fields of Giddinge A., except the drift of his sheep in the rough of the said fields to and from the fold in the time of foulding. 1. to have no sheep on the said Sheepwalke. 1. to have common in Beriegrounde yearly from Lamas to Candlemas when the same shall lie with the fallow field and not be mown for hay. 2. to hold the Ley Close; 1. to hold the Newe Close paying 2. the same yearly rent for ground within the Newe Close as he has done before. No rights of common for either in the other's Close. 1. to have common in the fields of Gyddinge A. for 18 beasts and a bull, if the freeholders of the Manor and the Queen's tenement don't keep more proportionately. If they keep above that proportion then 1. may increase his proportion. The Queen's farm of Beriested is excepted from this. 1. also to have common in the above fields for 160 sheep according to the proportion held bythe freeholders. If they have more, 1. to have more in proportion, except for 2., farmer of the Queen's Beriested. All disagreements now to cease.
Date23 Mar. 1586
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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