
AltRefNoCON 3/2/4/12
Description1. Henry Bedell, Hamerton, Esq. 2. John Bedell, Woolley, Esq. Recites indenture of even date, by which 1. b.& s. to 2., two messuages, farm and 1 cottage with apps., with lands in Steeple Gidding, which were those of Humfry Drewell, the father., Humfry Drewell, the son, and Eliz. wife of H. Drewell, the son. And messuage with apps. and lands in Steeple Gidding which were those of Swithin Dixon, late of Steeple Gidding, decd. Now 1. covenants to 2. that at the time of the b.& s. 1. was seized of a good estate of inheritance in fee simple of the aforesaid premises: all the estate was vested in 1. and he had the right to b.& s. it to 2. 1. to be responsible for any incumbrances on the lands incurred by him or anyone under him except the rents etc. which shall be due to the Chief Lord of the fee. 1. promises within the next 12 years to execute any cuts requested by 2. for the further conveying to 2. of the said premises, to use of 2. for ever. 1. promises to deliver all possible deeds concerning the said premises to 2. before Michaelmas, 1615. 1. and 2. agree that all future deeds re. the said premises shall be to the use of 2. for ever and to no other use.
Date20 Jun. 1614
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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