
AltRefNoCON 3/2/6/5
TitleMemorandum of Lease; William Cannell states that he's hired of Robert Pulleyn, Esq.
DescriptionAllpits and Allpitts Meadows at £48 p.a; Stimsons Close at £5 p.a; 3 Home Closes of 8, 6, and 3 as. at £17 p.a; the whole being £70 p.a., from next Ladyday for 3 years. To be allowed wood for back-hedging and to cut hedges etc. Cannell to give 6 months notice. Lands to be at same rent as before except All Pits and All Pitt meadows which is advanced 20/- a year.
Date2 Jan. 1735
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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