
AltRefNoCON 3/4/2/1
TitleAssignment of Term 6 Dec. 1680
Description1. The Rt. Noble Christopher, Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Torrington, Baron Monck of Potheridge Beauchampe and Teyes, exor. of the will of the late Rt. Hon. George, Duke of Albemarle, his father, deceased. Henry English, Wigsell, Salehurst, Sx. Esq., and Thomas English, Buckland, Kent, Esq. 3. James Fairclough, London, Dr. of Phisick. Recites: 1) Indenture of 24 Jan. 1661 by which Henry English bargained and sold to George, Duke of Albemarle the Manor of Upton with all apps. and all lands of Henry English in Upton for 500 years, with proviso that if Henry E. paid £2,060 which he has'nt, indenture would be void. 2) 1. becoming possessed of Manor and premises for term under will of George, Duke of A. Now 1. to 3., by direction of 2. and for £2,096.16.4d. Manor of Upton with apps. for residue of term. And 2. to 3. for 5/-. Confirm said Manor and apps and all other premises mentioned in said indenture, for residue of term. Enclosed: 1) Bond 6 Dec. 1680 1. Henry English and Thomas English. 2. James Fairclough. In £4,000 to fulfil covenants in deed of even date. Ackment. of receipt. and 2) Quitclaim 28 Dec. 1680 1. Henry English and Thomas English 2. James Fairclough 1. ack's receipt of £2,600 in consideration of indentures of 6 Dec. 1680 and 8 Dec. 1680 and quitclaims of any further interest 3) Power of Attorney 28 Dec. 1680 1. Henry English owner of Manor of Upton. 2. Robert Pulleyn, Robert Linfield and Richard Gibbs, Attorneys of Court of Common Pleas. To appear for 1. in an action of ejectment to be brought at the suit of Francis Caterson and John Holland for the Manor of Upton on demise of James Fairclough, and to accept a declaration of ejectment against 1. so that James Fairclough may be put into possession of the said Manor and premises.
Date6 Dec 1680 - 28 Dec 1680
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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