
AltRefNoCON 3/4/2/11
TitleAssignment of Term
Description1. Josiah Bacon, London, merchant. 2. Sir Lionell Walden, H'don, Kt. and Lionell Walden, Esq., son and heir. 3. Sir John Cotton, Stratton, Beds, Bart. 4. John Howell, Conington, gent, and Ellis Griggs, Stratton, gent. Recites: 1) Indenture of 9 May, 1683, whereby Manor of Upton with apps. was assigned to Hercules Horsey for residue of term of 500 years. 2) Indenture of 20 Aug. 1690 by which Horsey assigned said premises to Bacon for £5,500 for residue of term with proviso that if 2. pay to 1., £5,651.5s on 20 Feb. after indenture then 1. to assign premises as they direct. 3) Sum not paid, so premises forfeit to 1. for residue of term. 4) 3. purchasing freehold of Manor and premises from 2. and intends to keep the said term on foote to attend upon the inheritance. Now for £5,000 from 3. to 1., sum mentioned in indenture of even date. 1. by direction of 2. and 3. to 4. in trust for 3. Manor of Upton with apps., for residue of term.
Date14 July 1691
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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