
AltRefNoCON 3/8/3
TitleDeed to Lead Uses of Fine
Description(1) Mary Moore, Chatteris, Isle of Ely, widow, the relict of John Moore, Somersham, decd. and one of the daus. and co-heirs of John Bidwell, late of Somersham, decd, and John Fisher of Chatteris, cordwinder, and Mary, his wife, sole dau. and heir of the said John Moore and Mary. (2) Roger Taylor, the younger, Somersham, yeoman. Recites: Lease/Release of 2/3 Feb. 1686 by which John Moore conveyed to (2) one lot or piece of fen with apps., late the said John Bidwells in Somersham (6a.) in Knobbs and agreed to make any further assurance of the same to (2). Now for 5/- to Mary Moore and 5/- to the Fishers, so that 1 messuage in Somersham late Bidwells and the aforesaid piece of fen with apps. should be to the following uses, i., before the end of next Trinity Term, agree to levy fine in favour of (2). Messuage with apps. to use of Mary Moore and her heirs for ever. Piece of fen to use of (2) and heirs for ever.
Date26 March, 1692
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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