
AltRefNoCON 5/3/12
TitleCotton v. Cotton William Hanbury, one of the defendants' answer to the Bill of Complaint of Sir John Cotton, Bart, complt.
DescriptionBelieves that Sir Thomas Cotton and Sir John C. may have altered the premises of the marriage settlement of Sir John C. and Dorothy. Also believes that Sir Thos. C. did make some other settlements or conveyances of all or some of said premises to the uses in complt's bill also mentioned. These may well be subject to some power of revocation or of limiting new uses by deed or will of Sir T. Cotton and believes it may be true that said Sir Thos. C. intended that all or some part of the said premises should go along with his title to the heir male of his family. Knows not what hereditaments descended to complt' as heir at law of his grandfather but it is true that defdt. having married complt's sister was entrusted by complt. with much. And received from complt. for £20 from John Mason another defdt., then in the Fleet Prison, several deeds and writings re. complt's estate and took them to counsel for complt., whence they were and are now mislaid, which if defdt. can procure he will dispose thereof as court shall direct. They were Indenture of 20 June, 1654, Indenture of 12 Nov. 1659 and Indenture of 12 Dec. 1659. Has no other deeds of the complt. or re. his title. Prays to be dismissed with costs and charges. Compiled by George Clive. (last page torn).
Date11 July, 1710
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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