
AltRefNoCON 5/3/14
TitleCotton v. Cotton Mary Honeywood Cotton, one of the defendants' answer to the Bill of Complaint of Sir John Cotton, Bart, complainant.
Description1st seven pages missing. Acknowledges settlements made on marriage of Sir John and Dorothy Anderson, on issue of that marriage. Recites death of Sir John C. on 12 Sep. 1702 at Stratton where defdt. and her bro. Robert C. were. Robt. C. did then possess himself of Sir Thomas Cotton's will and all deeds and writings in the house re. his own or defdt's estates. But they did not enter into possession of Mansion House of Stratton or of Conington or any deeds there re. complainant's estates. She has seen the will of Sir Thomas C. which she believes is now in possession of her bro. the said Robt. C. but does not know contents, or details of her mother's marriage settlement or of settlements made by Sir Thomas C., nor value of Sir Thomas C.'s estate. Denies possession of any manor and lands save that at Upton. Only knows of Sir John C's possession in fee simple of those and of those of Alc. W. which Sir John C. gave by will to defendant's br. Robert and Sir Miles Heneage and John Proby, Esq. to be sold. Denies all other allegations in bill and prays to be dismissed with costs and charges. Compiled by Henry Sawyer.
Date1710 (on dorse)
CreatorNameHeathcote family of Conington Castle
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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