
TitleSale for Mortgagees
Description1. Farmhouse, farm buildings, orchard and garden unoccupied by Mr William Knighton. 2. Cottage adjoining lot 1 with barn and garden occupied by John Foster senior. 3. Cottage with barn and also new barns and gardens occupied by David Warboys and John Foster senior. 4. Public house known as 'The Potter's Arms' in Church Street, Alconbury, also 1a2r12p pasture land, the whole occupied by Mr George Henson.5. Half an acre of pasture land in Alconbury, occupied by Mr George Henson. 6. House, with grocer's shop and general shop in Alconbury, occupied by Mr George Barnard, also four cottages adjoining, occupied by R. Cade junior, G.Barnard, J.Adams and Frederick Sharp also large yard, stables, barn, shoemaker's shop and garden. 7. Six cottages with gardens, in Alconbury, occupied by Samuel Crow, William Sterman, James Thorp, John Sharp, George Crick, and on unoccupied. 8. Building land next High Street and Bell Lane, Alconbury, with gardens and barns. 9. 'The White Horse Inn', High Street, Alconbury with out-house occupied by William Taylor. 10. Cottage in High Street, Alconbury occupied by Charles Albion, also cottage at the back occupied by Mr Henry Dew. 11. Two cottages with barns, piggeries and gardens in Hill End, occupied by Widow East and Jeremiah Mace. 12. Three cottages in Alconbury, occupied by William Yates, William Lowe and William Johnson. 13. Eleven Cottages in ALconbury occupied by S. Worley, F.Briggs, Samuel East, William Mace, Hannah Northill, William Mace, Henry Splevings, H. Briggs, William Briggs, and two unoccupied. 14. Two cottages, with barns, piggeries etc in Furmenty Lane, Alconbury, occupied by John Ivite. 15. Four cottages in Furmenty Lane, Alconbury, with barns, conveniences, etc occupied by Thomas Brawn, Thomas Smith and two unoccupied. 16. Two cottages in Alconbury, occupied by M. Northill and William Smith. 17. Unoccupied cottage in same area. 18. Eleven cottages in Down Street, Alconbury, with yards and barns, occupied by Robert Thomson, Widow Cade and four unoccupied. 19. Farmyard, barns, granary stables, loft next the Great Road and adjoining the 'Red Lion' Inn. 20. Stable, chaff place, coach house, garden next the Great North Road and adjoining the 'Red Lion' Inn. 21. 1a1r pasture land adjoining the 'Red Lion' occupied by Mr William Crick. 22. 1aor36p pasture land fronting the Great North Road, occupied by Mr John Crick
Date27 January 1870
CreatorNameJames Dilley, auctioneer: entries in sales book
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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