
AltRefNoFE 54-56
TitleConveyance and assignment of leaseholds (lease and release- 2 copies of release)
Description1. John March of George Street, Hanover Square Middlesex, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife. 2. William Needham of Seymour Place Mayfair, Esq. 3. John Dowse of Bartlett's Buildings. London, gent. Manor of Waresley. Mansion house, park etc., occupied J. Morris. Larkins Close, meadow or pasture, 4 acres: Pains Close, meadow or pasture, 2 acres: Upper Sand Close meadow or pasture, 6 acres: Hill Side Close meadow or pasture, 12 acres: Further Close meadow or pasture, 10 acres: The meadow beyond, 6 acres: The meadow in the meadow beyond, 2 acres: Waresley Wood, 100 acres. Farm occupied widow Bayne, at rent of £106-3-9. Home Close-14 acres (pasture) 3 Back Leys, 6 acres: Long Close, 2 acres: Pightle, 1 acre: 230 acres arable.New Inclosure-42 acres. Small cottage late occupied widow Onion. Cottage-occupied Ulyssis Paine, at rent £12. Home Close, 3 acres: Home Close, 2 acres: Farm, occupied Samuel Flinders-rent £99-13-9. Home Close etc, 3 acres: Home Close, 6 acres: Stonehouse Close, 3acres 2 rood: Wrights Close Piece of inclosed ground calles the Waitts, 8acres, 46 acres arable called the New Inclosures, 200acres arable in Open fields, small cottage late occupied Joseph Mills. Farm occupied Jarvis Smith-rent £95-2-2, Home close etc, 6acres, Pecks close, 7acres, New Inclosure 32acrs, Old Inclosure 13acres, 170acres arable in Open fields, 2 small cottages late occupied Thomas Hewett and George Randall. Farm occupied Harry Cannon, rent £40. 20acres grass land, 5o acres arable. Farms opccupied Edward King, rent £174-18-6. Farm, House close tec, 8acres, Gransden Close, 3a2r, Kennetts Farm, Home close etc, 4acres, Close, 3acres, Plumbtree close, 3acres, knights pasture, 60acres (pasture) 321acres 1rood arable in Open fields. 20-acres arable in Knights pasture. Public House, with orchard Francis Paine, John Steward, John Saville, Thomas Darlow, Thomas Morrell, John Day, and Richard Bullen, total rents £13. All the property was sold by J. Hewett to Hagar to J. March 506 April 1765: 2 has paid 1. £16,000 and the property is conveyed to 3 in trust until the remaining £9000 with 4.5 interest is paid. Leasehold: Lease from Peterhouse 15 December 1783...Property as in 4. Lease from Pembroke 31 January 1787 Property as in-Demise for 500 years assigned to Hagar, 3 March 1730 and to J. March 29 April 1765. (see above 52) Covenant to levi fine.
Date9/10 May 1788
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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