
AltRefNoFE 79
TitleLease for 21 years
Description1. Reverend H.W. Cookson, D.D. Master of Peterhouse, and the Fellows or scholars. 2. Honourable Octavius Duncombe, M.P., of Waresley. 65acres of which a strip 3a3r38p is plantation, and rest arable lying between the St. Neots Road and the boundary of Abbotsley Parish and between land of Pembroke College, Earl and Duncombe, west (Map is included) timber minerals reserved. Rent: 12/-, 10 bushels of best white purley wheat, 1 bushel of best barley malt, 2 bushels of oats in last year. Lease to pay tithe charges, land tax. 4 course system to be followed: 1. to be summer tilled with at least 4 clean earths next after a crop of wheat and half of it may be sown with turnips, mangold wurtsel or coleseed. 2. to be sown with barley or oats. 3. a new layer arising from clover or other artificial grass seeds sown with barley and oats and to continue a layer at least one whole year to be computed from the time of cutting such barley or oats not more than 1/3 part thereof to stand for seed provided (except as to the last year of his demise) if such artificial grass seeds shall fail, the lessee (may plough the present seed shift or any part thereof so failing, and may sow 1/2 thereof with beans or peas to be twice well hoed and the other half with trees to be folded off with sheep. 4. to be sown with wheat on land that shall have laid at least one whole year immediately proceeding in artificial grass (or turnips etc. if grass has failed) Lessers may sow grass with lessees last sowing of barley or summer corn. This lease is granted on the surrender of the lease to Lord Feversham, dated 2 May 1839, which has become vested in O. Duncombe.
Date3 July 1858
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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