
AltRefNoFE 288
TitleAssignment of lease 5acres
DescriptionProperty of Nicholas Pedley in Waresley. 1. Nicholas Pedley of Abbotsley, Huntingdonshire, Esq. 2. J. Barnard of Huntingdon, Esq. Messuage. 110acres arable. Brook Close, 3acres. Sand Close 3acres. Greyes Close, 2acres. Reasyns Close, 1acre at west end of Waresley. 2 adjoining closes called Saltwell or Spring Closes, 2acres occupied Christopher Harden. 1 cottage and close, 1acre occupied Richard Field. Witnesses: Robert Ethell, J. Hooper. Seal of 1. Armorial, 3 lozenges, in chief 3 fleurs de lis. Endorsed: This lease to Mr. Bernard in trust for Nicholas Pedley [There is no mention of the trust elsewhere in the document]
Date1 October 1652
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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