
AltRefNoFE 291
TitleMarriage Settlement (Conveyance to uses) £300 paid by 2. £1000 to be paid by Ursula Bexwell
Description1. Sir Nicholas Pedley of Huntingdon, sergeant at law. 2. Robert Apreece of Washingley, Huntingdonshire, Esq. 3. Nicholas Pedley of Lincoln's Inn, Esq, son and heir of 1; Francis Apreece, spinster eldest daughter of 2; Ursula Bexwell of Washingley, widow, grandmother of Francis. Property in Tetworth. 1. Cannyns Farm, occupied Fage (Manor or farm called Cannyns) Close 3 acres. Groveage and underwood east of close 2 acres. Close, 20acres east of groveage. Watering Yards south of last close, 8acres. 2acres pasture next cottage of Thomas Dennis. Close of pasture in Home Sand Field, 10acres abutting on lease from Gamlingay to Payne's House in Tetworth. 206acres arable and leys. 2. Farm in Tetworth occupied Richard and William Thomas and J. Barrett, yeoman. Sand, Upper and Nether Bunhill, closes 5acres. Messuage called Chapman's lying over against farmhouse close, 2acres. Close in Horne Sand Field occupied George fage, 8acres. Pear Tree Close, 3acres. Close, formerly several closes, between land occupied William Reynolds east and Thomas Paine abutting south. Home Sand Field, 6acres. Upper and Nether Lawn closes, 10acres. 276acres arable and ley. 3. Farm late occupied Thomas Renolds, now occupied Richard , William, Thomas and J. Barrett. Messuage. Grove Close adjoining, 2acres. ?? adjoining 6ac10r. Weavely Wood, now 2 woods formerly Weavely Park, 200acres. 11. 200acres ley or waste. Property in Eynesbury and Abbotsley. 12. Manor of Lawnesbury alias Lancellynes Berry. 13. 200acres pasture and meadow (Upper Lawnesbury and Nether Lawnesbury) in Eynesbury, occupied Thomas Gilbert. 14. Farm in Abbotsley. Close 3acres lying east of close of Sir Nicholas Pedley, belonging to Queen's College, Cambridge. 2 closes on south next capital messuage and lands of Sir Nicholas Pedley belonging to Queen's College. Former meadow, 1acre. Kingston Close, 1acre. 50acres arable. 15. Cottage, groveage and Kulners? Close, 3acres occuied Thomas Gilbert. Property in Wistow near Waresley. 16. Manor and ?? of west. 17. Farm occupied J. Awberry. Pasture and meadow, 25acres. 17. 3 Stockings Closes, 47acres. 84acres fen and upland abutting south on Warboyes Grounds. 5acres meadow in Wistow Meadow. 108acres arable. 18. Windmill, occupied Lacke. 19. 6acres fen ground occupied J. Margetts. 20. 10acres arable called Kings Land, occupied J. Campion. 21. Cottage called Greens. 22. Great Rooks Grove, formerly wood now 6 closes of pasture, 116acres. 23. Sunderland Wood, 20acres. 24. 300acres of Adventure Fenn lands, next to Berry Lotts, west and Pattock Drove east. 73.5acres farm land adjoining on south. 25. Rectory of Old Hurst, alias Would Hurst, with tithes of Hurst Meadow and 1.5acres meadow in St. Ives. 26. Messuage in Huntingdon next to Mill Common South, and abutting west on Fairdelds. Uses: 26 to use of 1. Rent charges:- 7-23-2 is to be seised to secure rent charge of £300 to Nicholas the son for the lives of Sir Nicholas the son 1, 6 and 16-23 to secure a rent charge of £300 to Frances if she survives Nicholas. Inheritance:- 1-25 to use of 1 for life. 1-11 and 16-23 (excepting advowsoin of Wistow) to use of Nicholas the son for life and in tail male successively. Advowson of Wistow-to use of 1 for 20 years remainder to son Nicholas. 12-14 to Nicholas the son in fee after death of 1. Covenant by 1 to cause the following copyhold and leasehold to descent to son Nicholas (lease to be renewed in 7 years in his own house and that of his son) 2 messuage and tofts and some small pightels of copyhold land in Abbotsley. Term of 21 years of site of Manor of Abbotsley Capital Messuage. Close of pasture between Sand side and Clay side of Weavely woods, 15acres. 5. Cottage, with close adjoining south, 2acres, and groveage on north occupied widow Reynolds. 6. Cottage with close adjoining south, 2acres and 9acres arable occupied William Jenkins. 7. Cottage with close adjoining south and 6acres arable occupied Thomas Dennis. 8. Cottage and 2 closes south, 3acres occupied Thomas Paine. 9. Close next Waresley Field, east and between Weavely Woods north and south occupied J. Gilbert, 15acres. 10. Weavely Wood, now 2 woods, formerly Weavely Park, 200acres. 11. 200acres ley or waste. Property in Eynesbury and Abbotsley. 11. Manor of Lawnesbury alias Lancellynes Berry. 13. 200acres pasture and meadow (Upper Lawnesbury and Nether Lawnesbury in Eynesbury, occupied Thomas Gilbert. 14. Farm in Abbotsley. Close 3acres lying west and close of Sir Nicholas Pedley belonging to Queen's College, Cambridge. 2 closes, 3acres, n south next capital messuage and lands of Sir Nicholas Pedley belonging to Queen's College. 1/2 Fulmer Meadow, 1acre. Kingston Close, 1acre. 50acres arable. 15. Cottage, groveage and Aulner's Close, 3acres occupied Thomas Gilbert. Property in Wistow Ramsey and Warboyes. 16. Manor and advowson of Wistow. 17. Farm occupied J. Awberry. Pasture and meadow 25acres. 3 Stockings Close, 47acres. 84acres fen and upland abutting south on Warboyes Wood and east on Warboyes Grounds. 5acres meadow in Wistow Meadow. 108acres arable. Impies Close, 2acres. Long Close, 3acres. Walden Close, 3acres. 100acres meadow and pasture in Common Fields. Several pieces of Lammas ground and meadow at the end there of called the Downes, 60acres. Witnesses: Elizabeth Apreece, William Nurnan, Robert Lenton, Thomas Andrews. Endorsed. This deed was shewed to Thomas Andrews at the time of his examination taken Chancery on the behalf of J. Pedley, Esq., and other defendants, A. Trevor.
Date1 March 1681/1682
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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