
AltRefNoFE 335
TitleLease for 15years
Description1. J.Pedley of Tetworth, Esq. 2. J. Smith of Cardington, husbandman. Stonehill farm in Tetworth near Cranhill Farm. Home (or Stonehill) Close 7acres. Stonehill lyinh east Cranhill north and Common Field south. Furze leys (alias Great Furze Leys Close, 18acres. Home Close lying east. Field Close (alias Little Furze Leys) 3acres, furze leys lying east. Stratton Leys Close, 20acres Field Close lying east and groveway and Woodberry grounds west. Low Field Close (alias Dymb Dicks Pasture) 38acres Groveway lying south west and cow pasture north west. Middle Field Close 38acres, Low field close lying south west and cow pasture north west. Ten Acre Piece 10acres, between Middle Field Close and Cranhill Close. Six Acres Piece, 6acres, between Middle Field Close and Cranhill Close. Tithes on these closes and on common fields. Right of pasture for 12 cows in cow pasture from 1 May to St.Simon and St.Jude and sheep from St. Simon and St, Jude. Rent: £126 per year(but in the coming year only £28 at Michaelmas and £63 at Lady Day. £5 per year for evry acre of pasture ploughed up above 80acres. Covenants: 1 is to erect a dovehouse and a barn of two mows and a midstey and a chaff house: to pale in the orchard and plant it with fruit trees to pale in the farmyard. 2. may take pigeon dung from dovehouse and spread it on premises and may take 30 poles of underwood from Weavely wood to repair fences. May take bushes from the cow pasture for fencing and firing may take corn frowing on 80acres, only part of the demised closes at the Harvest next after the expiration of this lease. Endorsed: New Farm not mentioned in the Settlement
Date2 May 1720
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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