
AltRefNoFE 360
TitleLease for 21 years
Description1. H. Foley of Tetworth House, Esq. 2. David Waldock of Tetworth, farmer. 1) Green Man Farm with the Inn and closes, 150a3r14p as specified in conveyance 331 above but excluding Girkins, Morley Common, Six Acre Piece and Farrfields (which are here part of Manor Farm) 2) Manor Farm, late occupied J. Peck. Home Close (6a1r20p) The Cannons (2 closes) 18a1r8p. The Girkins (1 close of pasture ) 5a3r9p. The Farr Fields (2 closes) 25a2r25p. Norley Common, 50a0r4p. Six Acre Piece, 6a2r27p. Oak Close, 7a2r. Sand Close, 12a3r25p. Pear Tree Close, 7a2r30p. The Watering Yards (1 close) 7a0r10p. The Upper Fields, within the bounds of Tetworth. That part of Middle field occupied 2, 367a1r31p. Except: The Manor Grove, between the Cannons, 2a2r16p. Rent: £84-10-0 to be paid at Lady Day 1832. £352 per year there after payable quarterly. Covenants Crop Rotation: 1st year: Fallow with or without turnips or coleseed to be fed off with cattle. 2nd year: Wheat, barley or oats. 3rd year: Peas, tares or clover. 4th year: Wheat, barley or oats. Not more than arable to be sown with oats in any one year and the same lands are not to be sown with wheat ofterner than 3 times in 12 years. Landlord may re-enter on 1/8 arable (that is 1/8 fallow) on 10 October preceding the end of term and on the other 1/2 fallow by 20 August preceding end of term. Tenant is to sow arable with spring preceding end of term and landlord may sow clover or grass on same land to be harrowed in gratis by tenant. Tenant is to carry 5 loads of wheat straw and 5 chalerous of coals to 1's house each year. If the average price of wheat is Hunts in one year is below 8 shillings per bushell an abatement of 10% is to be made in the rent. If the average price exceeds 10 shillings the rent is to be increased by 10%. Conditions of reentry, including sowing with kemp, rape, mustard, teazell, wool or any other pernicious seeds whatsoever/ If landlord should obtain a lease or small tithes he will grant them to 2 of the period of this lease.
Date30 March 1832. 9 April 1832
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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