
AltRefNoFE 442-3
TitleConveyance (Lease and Release) £17
Description1. J. Webb of St. Neots, gent and Thomas Thurgood of Royston Cambridgeshire, malster. 2. J.Samms of Bassingbourne, Cambridgeshire, gent (mortgage) 3. Thomas Jeakins of Gamlingay, clothworker. 2a1r arable. Middle Field in Short Tanbrooke, 2 lands (3r) abutting east on Common Joynt and west on a Common Joynt, north on lands of Merton College. 1 land (1/2acre) abutting as above, land of Esq. Lane north and Mrs. Darling south, lying two lands from a common balk. Potton Wood Field-2 lands (1acre) abutting north on Dewberry Hill and south on the 10acre piece late Mr. Nicholas Apthorpes but now Mrs. Trefuse's land of Merton College east and Mrs Trefuse's west. Recites: Mortgage 7 November 1715, by J. Webb and J.Samms for £1000 which has now been paid. A note on paper attached explains that Thomas Thurgood was made a party to the conveyance by virtue of the fine levied (in respect of the 1715 mortgage) to Thurgood to the use of J. Brown of Royston gent in trust for Samms for 500 years but Thurgood refusing to sign (being a timerous man) Webb by memorandum endorsed on the back of the release...declared the further uses of the fine [i.e. to use of Jeakins forever] Brown and Samms have assigned the term to Thomas Halfhyde gent in trust to attend inheritance.
Date28/29 September 1724
CreatorNameEarl of Feversham
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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