
AltRefNoFIELDEN: dd F3/1/4
TitleLease and Release of properties in Stilton
DescriptionJohn Hart Cotton, only son and heir of Thomas Hart by Jane, his widow (said Jane being one of four daughters of Sir John Cotton, Bart deceased) of Connington, Hunts, Francis Cotton of Harley Street, London, another of said four daughters. Thomas Bowdler of Bath, the right Honourable Basil Earl of Hapsburgh Denbigh and Desmond and Mary Countess of Hapsburgh etc another of the said four daughters. Sir Robert Burdett Bart and Charles Jennons (1) Arthur Annesley (2) and Thomas Barsham (3) on sale to said Arthur Annesley of Manor of Hemington in Stilton, a capital messuage or mansion in Stilton, and three enclosed pasture fields called Talbot Close, Prigby Close, and Town Close and land in Stilton Common fields.
Date6 February 1771
CreatorNameFielden Collection
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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