
TitleMortgage for £4000 and interest 1. Thomas Woollaston White of Wallingwells, Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire esq, eldest son and heir of Taylor White, deceased and (2) 2. Sarah White of Wallingwells aforesaid, widow 3. James Worsley esq, a captain in the York regiment of Fencible Infantry now in Ireland, and Lydia his wife, formerly Lydia White, spinster, Sarah White of Wallingwells, Elizabeth White of Wallingwells, All five of the younger children of (2) and Taylor White deceased, who have attained the age of 21 4. William Whitworth of Hilton, Huntingdonshire, Clerk. All the manor of St Ives Slepe, St Ives Huntingdonshire, including a messuage or mansion house lately inhabited by Sir Edward Lawrence and numerous parcels of land, messuages etc
Date30 November 1799
CreatorNameDay & Sons: title deeds &c.
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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