
1) John Crosse and John Wayte of Ramsey, Chaplains
2) John Randys of Ramsey and Joan his wife.
Messuage in Ramsey in "le minori Wytgh" [the Little Whyte] lying between two messuages of the Subcellerar of Ramsey Abbey, and extending from a common drain as a garden of the said subcellerar northwards. Which said messuage was lately the gift of and feoffment of William Claxton. To hold of the chief lord of the fee for services due to him and of right accustomed forever.
Witnesses: John Blench senior, John Blench junior, William Fannt, Andrew Claxton, John Bass of Ramsey and others
Given at Ramsey on the Feast of St Ambrosius [4 April] 12 Henry VI [1434]
Two pendant seals. Parchment. Latin
Date[4 April 1434]
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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