
TitleBargain and Sale with Feoffment
1) Thomas Coxe, Henry Garner senior, Thomas Barnes, Robert Boothe, Henry Margetts junior, William Cakebread junior, William Nokes junior, John Eyenesworth , Andrew Nokes and Thomas Lowson, all inhabitants of Ramsey and serving Co-foeffees of the Town Lands assigned to the use of the poor people of Ramsey
2) Andrew Crispe [parish not given]
Whereas it was agreed at the court leet and court baron of the Manor of Ramsey on Thursday 16th October 10 Charles I [1634] with the consent of the lord of the manor and his stewards and the parishioners of Ramsey that (1) should bargain and sell to (2) all that
freehold messuage in Ramsey, now in the tenure of (2), but lately in the tenure of Thomas Williamson deceased and before that of Edmund Wheelwright, situated in the Little Whyte between the copyhold tenement of Thomas Skynner on the east and the copyhold tenement of Raph[?] Barnes late Pearsons on the west, and abutting at one end upon the common ditch and at the other end upon the lord's garden.
It was further agreed that the money from the sale should be used in the purchase of other lands of as good value for the charitable use before mentioned, or otherwise be converted perpetually to that purpose. To the use of (2) and his heirs only, quit and dischrged from the charitable use aforesaid and of all trusts for and concerning the same.
To he held of the chief lord of the fee etc.
Warranty clause
Richard Powers, gent., appointed by (1) as their attorney to deliver seisin.
Endorsed: signed sealed and delivered, and full and peacable seisin granted by Richard Powers to Andrew Crispe in the presence of Mark Dod, Francis Hull, Ruben Triplett
Consideration: £19
Parchment, English. Originally six pendant seals, three now remain (two in poor condition, one in fair condition)
Date26 May 1639
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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