
1) John Gowler of Ramsey, cordwainer, and Catherine his wife
2) Silius Titus of Bushey, Hertfordshire, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Ramsey and
Owen Fann, gent., Henry Marriott, gent., William Booth, gent., Thomas Wallis, baker, John Potts, yeoman, Charles Hamond, gent., Henry Bellamey, gent., Martin Pratt, gent., Samuel Nottingham, yeoman, Richard Snazdell, yeoman, John Evans, innholder, all of Ramsey
Whereas at a Court Leet and Court Baron of the Manor of Ramsey held on Thursday 12 October last past, and adjourned until Saturday 21 October for the advantage of the poor of Ramsey, it was ordered that the said William Booth and John Evens, churchwardens, should take £50 of the poor's money from the Town Stock to purchase the premises of the said John Gowler herein conveyed, and to "paye for Makeing of a gravell [path] Lying upon or Against the same, and Extending Lying or Leading over the River of Neene into A Certeyne place called Loads end." The rents and profits from these premises and the profits arising from the said gravell by the conveyance of peoples passing through the said premises shall be paid to the churchwardens to be used for the relief and maintenance of the poor of Ramsey.
And whereas the aforesaid trustees have purchased the premises and made the gravell for less than £50 (that is to say the premises for £26.10s. and the gravell for £21.4s.3d.) therefore the remainder of the £50 with an additional sum of £10 of the said poor's money shall be used by the trustees to build a little house upon the premises, the rents and profits from which to be paid to the churchwardens for distribution to the poor.
Premises described as: All that lot of pasture or fen ground (4a.) lying in Little Skeggins, Ramsey, abutting at one end against Ray hill, and the other end against the stream, with the lands of Henry Bellamey on the west and the lands of Widow Household on the east.
To the use of (2) as trustees for the benefit of the poor of Ramsey
And that the said premises and gravell shall be let, and the rents distributed by the churchwardens to the poor of the parish. If the trustees cannot let the premises and gravell, then the rents should be gathered and made by the trustees and given ot the churchewardens. And that the remainder of the £50 plus an additiona £10 should be used to build a little house for the better convenience of letting the premises and gravell.
Endorsed: Sealed and delivered to the trustees within named to the use of the poor of Ramsey in the presence of W Baker, Tho. Clarke and Peter Descow.
Parchment, English. Originally six pendants seals, all in poor condition, plus one detached seal which does not appear to have been attached to the original document
Date13 November 1676
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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