
1) Henry Avory of Well, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire, grocer, one of the sons of John Avory, late of Ramsey, deceased, yeoman
2) Silius Titus, Lord of the Manor of Ramsey, and Owen Fann, gent., Robert Swaine, gent., James Overall, grocer, John Potts, yeoman, Samuel Nottingham, yeoman, Richard Snazdale, yeoman, Henry Bellamy, yeoman, William Phillips, yeoman, William Campion yeoman, John Peacock, draper, Charles Hammond, yeoman and John Evans, innholder, all of Ramsey, and being trustees nominated by the inhabitants of Ramsey to stand seised for them and their heirs in trust for the herein after bargained premises
Whereas it is agreed by the inhabitants of Ramsey for the benefit of the poor of Ramsey that Charles Hammond and John Evans, churchwardens, should take £65 of the Poors Money (being part of the Town Stock) and purchase the hereinafter named premises. And that the yearly rents and profits of the said premises should be paid to the churchwardens for the use and towards the maintenance of the poor of Ramsey.
Therefore (1) releases to (2) -
Parcel of pasture, marsh or fen ground (3a.3r.) lying in Stocking Fen with the lot belonging to Denton's heirs on the south, Robert Alcock's half lot on the north, and abutting on the "Load [Lode] Bank" on the west and the drove way east
Parcel of marsh or fen ground (6a.) lying in a fen called the Hollow with the lot belonging to William Chandler on the south, and abutting upon the drove way east, and on Abbots Pingle west.
Both of which said parcels were part of the inheritance of the said John Avory. The lot lying in Stocking Fen was purchased by him of John Fryer and the other lot purchased of Robert Avory, and both were bequeathed by John Avory to Martha his wife during her life and after her death to Henry Avory and his heirs forever. To and for the only and proper use and benefit of the poor of Ramsey.
Endorsed: Sealed and delivered and that the said Henry Avory has received the sum of £65 from the said Charles Hammond and John Evans, in the presence of Gilbert Fanne, Wm. Hendry, Joth Nicholls
Parchment, English. Two seals en placard
Date10 & 12 June 1693
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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