
1) Joseph Richardes, whittewer [saddler or harness maker] of Ramsey, churchwarden and
Rowland Reynoldson, yeoman, of Ramsey, churchwarden
2) John Beadles of Ramsey, grocer
Whereas Marke Woolley late of Ramsey, deceased, by his will dated the 6 September 1695 bequeathed to the churchwardens of Ramsey and their successors for ever immediately after the decease of his wife Ann Woolley -
All that parcel of fen ground or marsh ground (3a.3r.) lying in Stocking Fen abutting south upon the great droveway, with the lot of Richard Salmons senior on the north and a little drove leading to the Load Banke on the west.
The rents and profits of the said parcel of land to be given to the poor of Ramsey every year.
This indenture witnesseth that the said Ann Woolley, widow, has leased the aforesaid land to (2) for the term of his natural life.
Therefore (1) now leases to (2) all the said parcel of land from and immediately after the decease of the said Ann Woolley for the term of ten years.
Rent £3 per annum, the first payment to be paid twelve months after the death of the said Ann Woolley, and yearly upon the said day thereafter, provided it not be on a Sunday, then to be paid the following day.
Upon condition that (2) shall not at any time during the life of the said Ann Woolley or during the said term plough, dig up or in any other way convert the tillage of the said lot of fen or marsh ground except for scouring the ditches and making the fences, upon forfeiture of the payment of £10 per annum for every acre so ploughed or converted.
Upon the further condition that if the said churchwardens or their successors or any inhabitants of Ramsey should set any "willow setts" in the said premises then (2) promises to preserve them, and if any should die he is to set down as many in their stead.
Sealed signed and delivered in the presence of John Temples, Richard Snazdale, Eman[ue]ll Nottingham, Henry Bateman
Paper, English. One seal en placard
Date1 August 1698
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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