
1) Thomas Olyott of Huntingdon, tailor, son and heir of William Olyet late of Ramsey, yeoman, deceased
2) Robert Nelson of Ramsey, yeoman
Messuage in Ramsey situated in "le Lytle Wyghte" [the Little Whyte]
To hold of the chief lord of the fee etc. Warranty clause
Endorsed: Delivery of seisin [took place] on the day and year within written in the presence of John Leche, Nicholas Phillip, John Dawbie, Martin Philipp, James Hargrove and others
Dated the 28 March 6 Edward VI [1552]
Originally one parchment seal, now missing
Parchment. Latin
Date28 March [1552]
CreatorNameManor of Ramsey
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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