
AltRefNoHINCH 9/214-215
TitleLetter; J.G. Green, Head Quarters, Huntingdon, to 7th Earl of Sandwich.
DescriptionIs sending the sizes of Serjeants Leads and Cater. Serjeant Latham has gone to Glasgow today, to report to the Officer Commanding the 77th Regiment, and to try and identify the men. Does not understand that part of the new Mutiny Act relating to deserters. Has not yet heard anything from Major Jones respecting Serjeant O'Brien. Encloses the Training Estimate. Has estimated for 4 serjeants in addition to the Staff, and also 8 corporals, 2 buglers and 282 privates. Attached: Letter Graham Egerton, Lt. Col. 77th Foot, Weedon, to Captain Green. Refers to the appearance at Huntingdon of one of the enrolled Volunteers of the Hunts. Militia in uniform of the 77th Foot. The man in question goes under the name of James Knighton, and was granted a week's Pass to visit his sick father at St. Neots. There are no men of the names, Joseph Ginn and David Baxter, in the 77th Foot. Lt. Frederick Vane of the Hunts. Militia has had every help, whilst here, in trying to trace the reported absentees. Any N.C.O. sent, under the sanction of the Secretary at War, for the same purpose, will have equel assistance. The 77th Foot is now en route for Scotland. 20th April 1853
Date28th April, 1853
CreatorNameMontagu family, Earls of Sandwich of Hinchingbrooke
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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