
TitleLetter from Lord Roden of Dundalk House [Ireland] to Millicent Sparrow
DescriptionMention of receipt of bible from Gosford. Lord Roden mentions his return from Dublin and the delayed move from Dundalk House to Tollymore Park. The childrens’ recovery from whooping cough and improvement in his knee together with the expected return of his sister. That he will send to Dublin for the sermons she has requested and attendance at the General meeting (unclear if this refers to the Bible Society or other institution). Meeting with Lady G and a 'dreadful business' concerning Gosford? Following an unreadable section he refers to an unknown person and the Catholic question appears to be lukewarm in his support to this unknown person.
Date5 May 1821
CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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P/0084Montagu (nee Sparrow); Millicent (1798-1848); Duchess of Manchester (1843-1848); of Kimbolton Castle1798-1848
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