
TitleLetter from Robert Sparrow of Worlingham Hall [Suffolk], to his granddaughter, Millicent Sparrow
Description[Very hard to decipher]. Seems to be cautioning Millicent against some action she is considering in relation to Sir Charles Goodison[?] and that there may be repercussions. He also seems to be referring to information he is aware of [unclear if this is with regard to Goodison]. The letter also seems to be complaining that Millicent is raising hopes of a match with one letter only to disappoint with the next. Asks that Millicent consults with Lady William and that he does not have the influence Millicent thinks he has.
Date12 June 1821
CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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