
Former references DDMA4/1/1 and M17/8
TitleMiscellaneous religious pamphlets, articles etc mostly expressing anti-Roman Catholic sentiment
- "The Speech of the Hon. T. Erskine at the Court of King's Bench, Westminster June 24th 1797 in the Cause of The King v. Williams for Publishing Pain's Age of Reason..." (1797)
- "The French Revolution and Others Considered as the Beginning of Approaching Apostate Judgements on Apostate Christendom. A Circular to all Christian Ministers and People in Great Britain" (1830)
- "Encouragement to Protestants No. 4" from the Dublin Evening Mail (1843)
- "Rev. Charles Simeon of Cambridge: Introduction to the American Reprint of Mr Carus's Memoirs of Mr Simeon's Life, by Bishop M'Ilvaine" (1847)
- "Apology for Clergymen Seceding from the Church of England? To the Editor of the Church and State Gazette" (1845)
- "A Prophetic View of Some Remarkable Events Happening from AD 1830 to AD 1846... shewn in an Interpretation of Genesis..." (c.1847)
- Christian Times vol. 1, no. 1 (1848)
- Published letter "On the Bishop of Exeter's Refusal to Admit the Vicar of St Just, Cornwall, to the Vicarage of Brampford Speke, Devon" (1848)
- page from the Torquay and Tor Directory (1848)
- Published letter on "Endowment of the Roman Catholic Church" to the Editor of the Christian Times (1848)
- The Working Men's Charter extradordinary issue no. 1 "Devoted to the Abolition of Post Office Sabbath Desecration" (1849)
- "Scotch Episcopal Church. The Rev. Sir Wm. Dunbar Against Bishop Skinner" from the Edinburgh Evening Courant (1849)
- Appeal titled "Sacramental Religion Subversive of Vital Christianity" (1850)
- "Gorham v. the Bisjop of Exeter" circular (1850)
- "The Gorham Case" letter to the Morning Herald from G.S. Faber (1850)
- Notice of a decision of a Huntingdonshire meeting "on the occasion of the Papal Aggression" (1850)
- "Edmund Taunton's System for Toleration Without Popish Supremacy" addressed to the inhabitants of Birmingham (1850)
- "Tuscany. Trial and Sentence of Francesco and Rosa Madiai" from Evangelical Christendom (1852)
- "Rev. Dr. Cahill in London. Special Appeal" (1853)
- "Appeal of the Scottish Reformation Society to the Protestant Members of Parliament. Popish Chaplains to Army and Navy" (1854)
- Poster headed "The Creed of the Christian Church..." (c.1854)
- Published letter titled "Thrilling Testimony to the Intolerant Spirit and Persecuting Tendency of the Church of Rome" from the Dublin Sentinel (1854)
- Petition on church reform as submitted to the Houses of Parliament (n.d.)
- newspaper cutting titled "Diplomatic Relations with the Court of Rome" with accompanying handwritten notes, addressed tot the Duke of Manchester as President of the National Club (nd)
- "Memorial Adopted by the Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society on Occasion of the Death of the Right Hon. Lord Bexley, the President" (n.d.).

Plus several other undated articles, presumably collected by the 6th Duke of Manchester.
CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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P/0076Montagu; Sir; George (1799-1855); 6th Duke of Manchester (1843-1855); of Kimbolton Castle1799-1855
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