
Former references DDMA4/1/2 and M17/8
TitleMiscellaneous religious pamphlets, articles etc
- "The Eighth Annual Address of the Minister of Iver to his Parishioners" (1817)
- "Opinions Concerning the Return of Popery into England, Scotland and Ireland" (1843)
- "The Wants of an Immortal Soul", printed by the Aged Pilgrim's New Year's Festival (1844)
- addresses by Clara Couthard, self proclaimed "Bride of Christ" (1849)
- address presented to the Caerleon Antiquarian Association on "Fragments of Early Christianity in Caerleon etc" (1849)
- "New Year's Address to the Inhabitants of Ross and its Neighbours" signed a Fellow Traveller (1852)
- Advertisement for the Hexaglot Bible (1854)
- "The Reformers Prayer" (n.d.)
- two articles from the Prophecy Investigation Society (1850s)
- "Judge Hale's Testimony to the Indwelling Power of the Spirit of God" (n.d.)
- article titled "A Compative View of Some Portions of Scripture which seem to set forth the Rise, the Character and Actions and the End of Antichrist" (n.d.).
- note on Isaiah LVIII, 6-8, published at Tanragee (1847)

Plus various other undated articles and pamphlets on religious subjects, some published in Ireland, and presumably collected by the 6th Duke of Manchester.
CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives

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P/0076Montagu; Sir; George (1799-1855); 6th Duke of Manchester (1843-1855); of Kimbolton Castle1799-1855
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