
TitleInventory of fixtures in Brampton Park
DescriptionLabelled "Book B", being "An Inventory of all the Fixtures left in the above named Mansion the Property of His Grace the Duke of Manchester left for the use of the Tenant John Morgan Esquire commencing the occupancy of the House. Taken and made the 1st day of May and following days in May and June for Landlord and Tenant jointly" by William Cana.

The inventory also includes outbuildings in the yard, including greenhouses, the conservatory, walled garden, vineries, the bee house, the gardener's room etc. and other properties occupied by tenants, viz. Gawthorne Cottage, unoccupied, Daniel Croft's [Sharp written above] cottage, Abraham's cottage, North Lodge Gate occupied by Lewis Butler, East Gate Lodge occupied by Joseph Wright.

At the end of the volume the new tenant, Benjamin Beasley, late of Green Bank House, Hall Green near Birmingham, has signed the inventory on the 26 September 1889. He and his son occupied the house until it was destroyed by fire in January 1907, running a school for "stutterers and stammerers."

Enclosed within the volume is a fire insurance policy insuring the house and outbuildings for £6,000, dated 1863-1864
DateMay-Jun 1868
CreatorNameThe Montagu family of Kimbolton Castle: estate and family papers
RepositoryHuntingdonshire Archives
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