
TitleComposite register
DescriptionBAPTISMS 19 January 1559/1560 - 2 March 1693/94
MARRIAGES 4 November 1559 - 8 October 1693
BURIALS 27 November 1559 - 20 March 1693/94

The volume consists of two sections, formerly bound separately.
One baptism only 1645, one burial 1645.
Entries from August 1646 to October 1648 appear to have been copied in by a different hand. The tops of two pages covering 1654 - 1658 have been cut away, but otherwise entries appear to be complete during the Interregnum. However, there are few entries between 1665 and 1667, none for 1668 and three only for 1669.
A note inside the front cover records that the register was bound by Mary Hand (late Mary Folkes) in 1804. 'Some of the leaves were placed wrong, which she did not like to alter, as she found them so'. (Presumably this refers to baptisms, 1565 - 1566 and marriages, 1559, 1565 - 1566, 1568, which are entered out of order on the last leaf of the first part of the register).
Entries include:
Lancelot Labram, Minister of Ashley, was buried in the churchyard at Cheveley, 7 August 1568.
Father Middleditch was buried 28 August 1568.
'Memorandum that the name of Symon Pratt written imperfectly in this book in the year of Our Lord God 1589 was escaped in the writing of this book out of an old register book and being examined and found, there put in, and Simon Prat there named was baptized the 5th of October in that same year'.
Other baptism entries between 1613 & 1617, include those relating to four children of Sir John and Dame Anne Cotton of Landwade, the Godfathers of the eldest son, James, being recorded as His Majesty King James I and Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, Lord Treasurer of England.
Memorandum to testify that Thomas Collyn of Cheveley was chosen as parish register by the inhabitants, and that the election being approved by Sir Dudley North, the oath was administered to him on 27 September 1654.
Date1559 - 1694
CreatorNameCheveley Parish Church
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives

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