
TitleRectors' miscellaneous: Volume (1)
DescriptionIt appears that the original purpose of this volume was as a transcription of the parish registers. This was started by R. Sole in 1787; the transcriptions cover:
BAPTISMS 3 April 1650 - 14 December 1812 (p.7-151, at back)
MARRIAGES 18 March 1653/4 - 6 March 1792 (p.3,5-39 at front)
BURIALS 6 April 1640 - 6 June 1792 (p.61-161 at front)
These serve to fill in the gap in the original registers, except for burials, which are missing up to 1812.
In addition, this volume and its continuation (P50/3/192), contains a wealth of miscellaneous material, mostly compiled by Rev. John Frere (rector 1839-1851) including correspondence (both incoming and outgoing letters, notes and accounts of various incidents, debates and dilemmas facing the rector during his time in office. In particular, this provides an often vivid account of the conflict and controversy which arose between the growing number of dissenters in Cottenham and Rev. Frere. Although this is portrayed by the rector himself, both sides of the issues arising are often shown.
Note: in the following summary of contents, the page numbers given are those occurring in the volume, although these do not always follow a strict sequence. The volume is numbered from both ends.
(p1) List of curates of Cottenham, 1574-1845;
(p2) Notes on Cottenham fens, from Badeslades History of the Navigation of the Port of Kings Lynn 1725;
(p3, p5-39)Transcription of marriage entries 1653/4-1792;
(p41) Report by R. Sole of offence by Thomas Fairchild (causing disturbance in church) and his punishment;
(42-60 blank); (p61-161) Transcription of burials 1640-1792;
(p161-3) Note of fire incidents 1813, 1827, 1841 and 1847;
(p163) Note of opening of post office 1843; table showing annual rain fall at Swaffham Bulbeck 1833-1841; extract from Ingulf's "Historia Croylandensis" (relating to Cottenham manor); printed circular appealing for donations to the National Society for promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church; printed circular by Rev. Frere concerning The Society for Promoting the Building and enlarging of Churches and Chapels, December 1839, with note of amounts collected, letter re painting of church ceiling 1837; printed circular by Rev. Frere re confirmation service 1841;
(p167) Printed prayer sheet for people about to be confirmed; copy of particulars presented to the Bishop of Ely at his visitation 1841; (p168-179) Correspondence and notes re presentation of John Mann and Robert Norman (concerning circulation of non- conformist tracts) 1841;
(p181-184) Letter to James Ivatt, churchwarden re practice of letting loose horses run down street and driving carts without reins, 1841;
(p185) Letter from Bishop of Ely re performance of baptisms other than on a Sunday, 1841;
(p186-93) Correspondence and notes re proposed inclosure of the parish, 1842, including copy of clause to provide for future church extension;
(p194-5) Survey and notes re churchyard wall and responsibility for its repair, 1842;
(p196) Copy of letter to Thomas Notage re request to perform funeral service for his unbaptised mother, 1842;
(p200-3) Table of expenses and notes re repair of chancel 1842-3;
(p204) Note re service on Ash Wednesday;
(p205-6) Copy of letter to Bishop of Ely re establishment of Wesleyans within the parish and the general problem of dealing with dissent.
(p206-7) Notes and correspondence re refusal to baptise a young person of non- conformist background, 1843;
(p208) Memo re application for burial in church, 1843;
(p209-10) Printed circular from Lambeth Palace re appeal for Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts and subscription list for Cottenham, 1843;
(p211-222) Correspondence and notes re Cottenham School Trust, 1843-1846;
(p223-5) Correspondence and notes re burial of an Anabaptist, 1844;
(p226) Copy of notice re performance of marriage services during Lent, 1844; letter from Thomas Lathbury, Bath re Dr. Fitzwilliam and availability of certain books; copy of a standard letter from Rev. Frere re confirmation service, 1844;
(p226-7) Notes, cuttings and circular re controversy arising over collection of church rates, 1844;
(p228) Correspondence re registration of deaths, 1844; A Pastoral Address to the parents of those young persons in this Parish who have been recently confirmed by Rev. Frere, 1844;
(p229-30) Correspondence with Bishop of Ely re consent for baptising an adult and re funeral services for dissenters, 1844;
(p231 Notes re Moreton's Charity, 1845; draft letter to Bishop justifying alleged strictness in dealing with dissent, 1844;
(p232 Letter from Thomas Haird re committee for the new burial ground, 1845;
(p233-4 Printed circular re plans for new burial ground and refusal to allow funeral pall to be taken into a meeting house, 1845; letter from Joseph Green strongly criticising this circular and the interference of Rev. Frere in the dissenters' business;
(p234) Correspondence with Mr. Haird re income of schoolmaster in Catherine Pepys' Foundation and effect of enclosure, 1844; (p235) Letter from B. Prichard re unattended meeting, 1845; correspondence with General Register Office re responsibility for certification on death of dissenters, 1845;
(p236) Copy of letter to William Sanderson re funeral of Mrs. Sanderson (service to be held at meeting house) and note of consequent proceedings, 1845;
(p237) Copy of letter appearing in Cottenham Independent Press re controversy over establishment of new cemetery, from a dissenter, 1845;
(p238- 9) Newspaper cuttings re local opposition to the Maynooth Grant, 1845;
(p240) Newspaper cutting of letter by Rev. Frere expressing his opposition to the abolition of capital punishment, 1846;
(p241) Printed circular re return to use of the Church Militant prayer;
(p242-5) Copy of letter to Mrs. Ann Greaves re her intended baptism as a dissenter; copy of article in Cambridge Independent Press re adult baptism by dissenters;
(p247) Letter from Bishop re adult baptism, 1846;
(p248) Copy of notice: The Week before Easter, 1846;
(p249-50) Correspondence with Bishop re baptism of a dissenter, 1846;
(p251-3) Correspondence with Prof. Scholefield re marriage of a minor without parent's consent, with notes and copy of affidavit, 1846;
(p254-5) Correspondence and notes re Cottenham Free School Trust, 1846;
(p256) Copy of letter to Dr. Graham and note re proposal to build a vestry room with surplus church funds, 1846;
(p257) Notice of banns of marriage, (Taylor and Bruff) 1847; note re application for faculty, 1847;
(p258 Newspaper cutting re controversy between Rev. Frere and the Bridge Street toll collector, 1848;
(p259) Note re disturbances at meetings of the local branch of the Cambridge General Benefit club, 1847; copy of notice sent to John Haird and John Moore re their expulsion from the chancel and singing class;
(p260-74) Account of meetings and debate re Rev. Frere's request for subscriptions for church organ and his proposed subscription to the dissenters' new cemetery, 1847;
(p275-7) Account of Mr. Green's controversial speech at dissenters' meeting and action taken by Rev. Frere, 1847 (see also p279+); (p277-8) Cutting and notes re apprentices and church attendance, 1847;
(p279-85,p290) Correspondence and cuttings re Cottenham Charity School, Mr. Green's address at new meeting house and ensuing controversy with Rev. Frere, 1847;
(p286-7) Correspondence re general controversy with dissenters, 1847;
(p289,p291) Correspondence re land for a new chapel, 1847.
(p1-3) List of rectors of Cottenham, 1276-1938;
(p4) Notes re Mr. Sole and his transcription of parish registers, 1839; (p5-6) detailed list of the parish registers, 1839; (p7-151) transcription of baptisms 1650-1812; (p8) table of Cottenham Charities, 1786; (p10,p12) copy of Dr. John Fitzwilliam's will, 1696; (p11) appointment of parish register, 1653; (p135) notes re affirmation of parish boundaries, war with France and effect of drought, 1794; (p137) Notes re climate, food shortages and prices, 1795 and 1801;
(p139) Notes re pond in parsonage garden, 1810, 1848, planting of trees, 1834-1845, water levels in Lode and large pond, 1846;
(p153) Extract from Moreton's Charity foundation deed;
(p153-5) Extract from deed relating to property in Bottisham fen;
(p157) Printed circular re National Education, with Cottenham figures, 1839.
Summary of numbers of baptisms, marriages and burials, 1831-1840. Printed verse: "A lamentation written on the death of poor John Cross who was cruelly used at Cottenham" by his brother, Jeremiah.
Date1787 - 1847


CreatorNameCottenham Parish Church
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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