
TitleRectors' miscellaneous: Volume (2)
DescriptionThis volume is a continuation of P50/3/191; miscellaneous material compiled by Rev. Frere continues through to 1851.
The volume is then used by his successor, Rev. Samuel Banks (rector 1851-81) to record various local and national events, 1852-77; Two brief notes are added, c1904 and 1908.
(Note: in the following summary of contents, pages given are as written in the volume; pages 16-18 are bound in at front of volume.)
(p16-18,1-3) Notes and correspondence re rector's allotments and common rights at enclosure and pre-enclosure; also re Land Tax assessment, 1845-1847. Letter requesting support for application for office of treasurer to the Eau Brink Commissioners, 1848.
(p1) Terrier of glebe land in Cottenham, 1840.
(p3) List of acreage possessed by colleges, Dean and Chapter of Ely, Queen Anne's Bounty and trustees of Hobson's Charity. Names of lords of manors.
(p4) List of people confirmed, 1847.
(p5) Letter from Mr. Elwes re Cottenham (?school) Trust, 1847.
(p6) Letter from Alfred W. Ivatt re various matters, including delivery of organ, fever among parishioners and comments on dissent, 1847;
(p7-10) Correspondence with Commissioners of Woods and Forests concerning alleged overpayment re Brigham's Charity annuity, 1847.
(p11-16) Copy of Land Tax Assessment for 1845.
(p19) Printed leaflet Thoughts on a Church Organ.
(p19-24, p27- 30, p32-37) Correspondence re trusteeship of the Church School Charity (continued from p255 of P50/3/191), 1844-1847. (p25) List of public houses in Cottenham with names of proprietors and type of licence held. Note re wheat yield from garden, 1847. (p31) Notice of Archdeacon's visitation, 1847, with note stating that he has no jurisdiction over Cottenham.
(p33) Reference to fire at Cottenham, 1847.
(p38) Extract from Baptist register recording birth of John Neaken, 1824. Letter offering office of chaplain to Rev. Frere.
(p39-44) Correspondence re proposal for new church 1848.
(p43) Plan of Cottenham, 1848.
(p44, p46) Letter and notes re Moreton almshouse inmates, their accommodation and visitors, 1848.
(p45) Memo of agreement with Thomas Hall for a vault in the churchyard, 1848.
(p47-50) Correspondence re recommendation of scholar for exhibition from Cambridge Board of Education (refused), 1848.
(p51-55) Correspondence and cuttings re election of new churchwardens and controversy over election of Thomas Ivatt, a dissenter, 1848.
(p56) Correspondence re publicity of the Charity Trusts Accounts, 1848.
(p57-8) Correspondence re removal of body to be buried at the meeting house, 1848.
(p59) Table showing numbers of marriages (at church and by registrar), births, baptisms, funerals and deaths, 1842- 1850.
(p59-64) Letter re dimensions of headstone, 1848. Letter to Attorney General re petition to Chancery by rector and James Ivatt concerning appointment of new Free School trustees and better regulation of the Trust, 1848. Letter from Bishop re removal of pulpit, 1848. Two plans of interior of Cottenham church showing present accommodation and plan for restoration, 1848.Report of vestry meeting to consider proposed rearrangement in church, 1849;
(p64) Correspondence re presentation of John Badcock for adultery.
(p65-6) Account of visit to brewer Norman concerning his intemperence and absence from church, 1849.
(p67-8) Account of discussions with Mr and Mrs Curtiss concerning a book lent to them by Joseph Green, a dissenter.
(p69-72) Account of debates with James Ivatt concerning burial in the private cemetery, also referring to discovery of old Quaker burial ground.
(p72-3) Letter relating account of protestant baptism ceremony at the river, 1849.
(p73) Extract from rate assessment book including values for rectory, tithe and total for parish, c1849.
(p74) Note re produce from rectory garden.
(p74-6) Correspondence re suicide of John Savidge, coroner's verdict and rector's refusal to perform funeral service.
(p77) Printed notice of concert by Cottenham Church Choir, 1850.
(p78) Cuttings re Robert Pate's attack on the Queen and subsequent conviction despite plea of insanity.
(p79) Letter offering government reward for information leading to conviction of person(s) causing fire at Cottenham, 1850.
(p80) Table of church fees and letter from Bishop re same, 1849.
(p81-2) Account of discussions with Elizabeth Graves concerning baptism of her second child by the Wesleyans and comments on the rector's handling of the problem.
(p83) Account of discussion with John Lee re request that his wife be buried in churchyard despite nonconformist tendencies, 1850; letter enclosing money for relief of victims of Cottenham fire.
(p84) Account of visit to school by curate of Mortlake and occurrence of a fire, 1850.
(p86) Printed notice from Rev. Frere advising parishioners to stay away from public execution to take place in Cambridge.
(p85-91) Correspondence re purchase of land for new church and school, 1850.
(p92) Letter from Insurance Office re Thurston's allowance, 1850.
(p93) Notes and correspondence re analysis of water from wells in Cottenham, 1850-51.
(p94) Notes re intended marriage of Elizabeth Lee to William Lee, brother of her late husband, 1850.
(p94-5) Notes re Mr. Finch's refusal to attend church until contract for Rev. Frere's house settle.
(p96-7) Correspondence with Bishop re neglect of duties by dissenting churchwarden, 1850; correspodnence re granting of new licenses for public houses in Cottenham, 1850.
(p99) Letter to Bishop soliciting aid for building new schoolroom to be licensed for public worship.

(p100-104) Correspondence with Charity Commission re Free School and appointment of new trustees (Pepys Charity), 1850.
(p105) Correspondence re responsibility for maintenance of churchyard.
(p106) Copy of articles of enquiry to be answered by churchwardens and sidemen of every parish of Ely diocese at the Bishop's visitation, 1850.
(p107) Draft letter to Cambridgeshire magistrates re application for licence to sell liquors, 1850.
(p108) List of people who receive most mail in Cottenham, 1850.
(p109) Table showing names of people who take lodgers, including number of children, bedrooms and lodgers, 1850
(p110) Correspondence concerning request by trustees of new burial ground for remittance of rent charge, 1850.
(p112) Corresondence re refusal to marry an unbaptised parishioner, 1850.
(p113-4) Printed circular to Archdeaconry of Ely clergy, including copy of petition to the Queen expressing opposition to increased powers of Catholic Church; reply of clergy to same.
(p114) Letter concerning faculty of 1726, from Bishops' Registry Office, 1851.
(p115) Copy of petition against Sunday postal service, listing inhabitants of Cottenham.
(p116) Passage in latin;
(End of numbered pages)
Completed ecclesiastical census return 1851 from All Saints Church, Cottenham. Followed by details and statistics re schools and other places of worship in Cottenham.

End of Rev. Frere's part of volume.
Continued by Rev. Samuel Banks as a record of various national and local events, 1852-1877, including :
Weather conditions (floods, frosts, droughts etc.); harvest, incidents of fire, epidemics etc; restorations to church; war with Russia; explosion at Earith (1864).
Cattle plague, including details of relief fund, 1865-6.
Meetings, eg. re British School, called by dissenters 1869. Re charity lands 1876, Re election of School Board, 1873;
Printed notice re Churchyard Restoration Fund, with balance sheet showing list of subscribers (c1904).
Brief note re restoration work to nave 1892-3 and purchase of clock, 1908.
Date1845 - 1908









CreatorNameCottenham Parish Church
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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