
TitleVolume of spinning accounts
DescriptionListing spinners, their daily output and weekly totals of yarn. At front: note that overseers agreed with Widow Andrews to dress and look after Juda Wright's leg at one shilling per week, 19 August 1744. Memoranda that William Caseband, having 2 days furloe, came from Bury St Edmunds and took his wife Catherine, a spinner, and son with him. The child was blind and the parish gave them 5 shillings to help on the journey, 25 May 1744. Occasional notes on reasons for spinners' absence, for example Francis Stanford cowkeeping for Nicholas Saberton.
Date28 April 1744 - 4 May 1745
CreatorNameEly St Mary Parish Church
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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