
AltRefNoQ/SO6: entries for 1764
TitleOn 13th March the complaint of the people of Royston was brought before the Sessions' notice; the town lies half in Cambridgeshire and half in Hertfordshire, and since the church lay in the Hertfordshire part, the people furnished Militia men to Hertfordshire; yet they paid rates to Cambridgeshire. The problem is how they can pay these rates, by virtue of the MIlitia Act, since they serve in Hertfordshire, or otherwise how sufficient rates can be raised elsewhere in Cambridgeshire. The County rates will not be equal to £5 per man in each parish, for the men to be raised. The Clerk of the Peace was therefore directed to tell the County members of these difficulties in order to elicit their advice by the next General Sessions on 4th May
DescriptionEpiphany 1764
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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