
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 109
TitleIndictment preferred by Thomas Weternhall against Henry Gynn of Granchester and Mary his wife for a nuisance in keeping a orderly house: bench warrant issued to apprehend Henry and Mary Gynn to find sureties for their appearance at this court (if is is sitting) or the next Quarter Sessions. Recognizance entered into at last Quarter Sessions by William Dolby of Childerly, William Reason of Childerly and Gilbert Woollard of Cambridge for the appearance of William Dolby here this day concerning a complaint by the parish of Longstanton against him for begetting a child on the body of Ann Bodger which is likely to be born a bastard: respited until next Quarter Sessions, Ann Bodger not being yet delivered. Recognizance entered into at last QUarter Sessions between Thomas Jacklin of Over and Benjamin Jacklin of Waterbeach, paying £20 and £40 respectively for the appearance of William Jacklin here this day concerning a complaint by the parish of Wicken against him for begetting a child on the body of Elizabeth Cross of Wicken likely to be born a bastard: respited until next Quarter Sessions, Elizabeth Cross not being yet delivered.
Date27 April 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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