
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 112
TitleOrder that Mr Essex be directed to consider a plan and estimate for making the Grand Jury boxes and courts in the S, to be hire Hall more convenient to be presented to the e adjourned Sessions to be held at the Rose Tavern on 19 May. Order to the TReasurer to pay the following bills: Coroner, for inquisitions, £4 13s 9d. John Cobb, carpenter, for work done at the Castle and House of Correction £2 19s 2d. Simeon Saunders £5 1s 1d. Mr Prince, apothecary, for medicines for the prisoners in the Castle, £0 18s 0d. Constables of Barnwell for paying vagrants £2 3s 0d. Mr John Ivatt, charges in prosecuting Benjamin Burling at last Assizes for attempting to commit a rape on Esther Ivatt his sister £1 1s 2d. Samuel Patten, whitesmith, for work done at the House of Correction, £2 2s 2d. William Thompson, bricklayer, for work done at the House of Correction £3 4s 4d. Mr Forlow, expenses of the day, £4 7s 10d. Adjourned to 19 May May at Rose Tavern.
Date27 April 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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