
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 120
TitleBond for transporting Edward Hart, from Moses Isreal Fonseta and Jonathon Forward Sydenham, filed by Simeon Saunders, keeper of the gaol. Order that the treasurer pay the following bills: coroner for inquisitions, £2 14s 3d. Constable of Ickleton for passing vagrants, £3 19s 0d. JOhn Austin, carpenter, remainder of bill for work done at the Castle, £2 0s 0d. Constable of Barnwell for passing vagrants £2 7s 6d. Thomas Furbank, bill for iron work done at the Castle, 18s 9 1/2d
Date16 June 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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