
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 125
TitleAppointment of John Masters of Cambridge, baker, to make weekly returns of the prices of corn and grain in the amrket of Cambridge, Henry Claydon of Linton to do the same in the market in Linton, to William Cooke Esq at the Treasury, Whitehall. Order that the Treasurer of the COunty provide two Winchester Bushells, containing 8 gallons each, for the use of the persons appointed to make returns of the prices of corn and grain in the markets of Cambridge and Linton. Discharge of Henry Gynn, convicted at the last Quarter Sessions of keeping a disorderly house and sentanced to three months imprisonment, to pay a fine of 6s 8d and to gove security in £20 for good behaviour for one year after that-recognizance entered into by Henry Gynn of Granchester and Francis Newman of Cambridge at £10 each conditional upon Henry Gynn's attendance at the Quarter Sessions of MIchaelmas 1771 and his good behaviour until that time.
Date16 June 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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