
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 133
TitleIndictment preferred by William Cudworth against Robert Brown late of the Parish of Isleham for felony and petty larceny; acquitted. Indictment preferred by William Chapman and others against William Thompson late of the Parish of St Sepulchre in Cambridge for lodging inmates; order that a warrant be made out for apprehending William Thompson to find sureties for his appearance at the next quarter sessions. Indictment preferred by Berry Dodson against William Barrs late of the Parish of Swavesey for a nuisance: order that a warrant be made out for his apprehending of William Barrs to find sureties for his appearance at the next quarter sessions.
Date16 June 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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