
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 138
TitleAccounts filed of the Charity Estate belonging to the Parish for two years ending Michaelmas 1770: Mr Apthorpe the receiver had received at Michaelmas 1769 £8 which with the balance of 10s 3d in his hand at Michaelmas 1768, made £8 10s 3d and had disbursed £8 11s 4d so that Mr Apthorpe is due 1s 1d, and had recieved at Michaelmas last £8 and disbursed with the balance due to him £8. Duplicate return of the prices of corn the Market of Cambridge made by John Masters to the Treasury Office 22 December 1770 filed: William Cooke certified that John MAsters had made the 11 returnd: John Masters entitled to receive up to 2s for each return.
Date16 June 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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