
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 140
TitleDuplicate return of the price of corn in the Market of Linton made by Henry Claydon to the Treasury Office to 20 December 1770 filed: William Cooke certified that Henry Claydon had made 1 returns: Henry Claydon entitled to receive up to 2s for each return. Higlers licence granted to WIlliam Gray of Castle Camps, yeoman. Committee appointed to examine and pass Treasurer's accounts on Friday next at Rose Tavern to report at the next quarter sessions. Order that the Treasurer pay the following bills: Coroner, for inquisitions. Constable of Ickleton for conveying vagrants £6 6s 0d. Mr Prince, apothecary, for attending prisonersion castle 17s 0p. Simeon Saunders, the Garter £1 0s 6d. John Cobb, Carpenter, for work done at House of Corrections 16s 1d. Mr James Day, Clerk of the Peace, for business done £14 10s 0d. Smauel Patten, Whitesmith 18s 11d. Mr Samuel Forlow, expenses of the day £4 9s 2d.
Date16 June 1770
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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