
AltRefNoQ/SO7 page 146
TitleIndictment preferred by Thomas Wetenhall, Ann Grumbold and John Lawson against John Blackley late of the Parish of St Botolph in Cambridge and Ann his wife for a nuisance in keeping a common bawdy house: order that a warrant be made out for apprehending John Blackley and Ann his wife to find sureties for their appearance at next quarter sessions. Indictment preferred by William Barret and others against Alexander Camp late of the Parish of Soham, now a prisoner in the House of Correction for a fraud in obtaining money by false pretences; convicted and to be countinued in the House of Correction until next Friday week, publicly whipped at Soham, then discharged.
Date12 April 1771
CreatorNameCambridgeshire Quarter Sessions: entries in Order Book
RepositoryCambridgeshire Archives
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